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Rails 5.1 with Webpack

When I had started as a Ruby on Rails developer, I had noticed some new framework coming into the JavaScript and some of these framework were really good. To accommodate these new frameworks like React.js, Angular, ES6, etc Rails asset pipeline was not an option. We wanted to add React.js to our application and we choose to configure Webpack in Rails for bundling these modules. Configuring Webpack into Rails was not so easy but was neither impossible.

Rails 5.1 has come with some new interesting additions. One of which is the addition of webpacker gem which lets us use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails. Also, webpacker gem is not just limited to Rails 5.1. It can be added to Rails versions as old as 4.2.

Webpacker is fully compatible with the asset pipeline, which you can continue to use for images, fonts, sounds, whatever. You can even have some JavaScript on the asset pipeline and some done via webpack. It’s all managed via Yarn that’s on by default.

Let’s understand how to exploit the Rails 5.1 and add Webpack to project. Before we start, webpacker has some prerequisites. It requires following:

  • Ruby 2.2+
  • Rails 4.2+
  • Node.js 6.4.0+
  • Yarn 0.20.1+

If all the prerequisites are satisfied then let’s create a rails application with webpack.

# Available Rails 5.1+

rails new myapp --webpack

Webpacker can be used with React, Vue, Angular, elm. So while creating a new application pass the required option.

# Rails 5.1+

rails new myapp --webpack=react

rails new myapp --webpack=angular

rails new myapp --webpack=vue

rails new myapp --webpack=elm

This would create the basic rails application with webpack configured. Now if we look at the directory structure created. A new directory app/packs would be created where application.js would be the entry point for webpack assets.

To make application.js available to entire application. Add below code to application.html

<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %>

Similarly, if we want to add webpacker to the existing application. Follow these steps

# Add gem webpacker to Gemfile
gem 'webpacker', '~> 2.0'
# bundle
bundle install

# Within rails app
./bin/rake webpacker # If rails version < 5.0

./bin/rails webpacker # If rails version > 5.0

# To add react for webpacker
./bin/rails webpacker:install:react

In the development environment, webpack require its own development server to compile assets so fire up the server in different terminals.

# Terminal 1
$ rails server

# Terminal 2
$ ./bin/webpack-dev-server

If you’d rather not have to run the two processes separately by hand, you can use Foreman:

# Add foreman gem to Gemfile
gem 'foreman', '~> 0.84.0'

# Bundle
bundle install

# Add new Procfile in project directory and below content to the file
web: bundle exec rails s
webpacker: ./bin/webpack-dev-server

# Start foreman to run both server
foreman start

Webpack is configured to the rails app. To know more about the configuration in the production, development environment click here.

Happy Coding!!